Friday 22 November 2019

My weekend / holiday!!

Last week on Thursday, i me and my mum to nelson in the south island. we had to get up at four o'clock in the morning to pack our stuff and get ready to go. we had breakfast then got dressed and ready to go. when we got in the car it was still dark outside. when we were half way there, i saw that the sky was light purple. i was playing on my phone and then it went flat so i put the window down and there was nice cold air blowing on my face. then there was traffic. when the traffic stopped when were at the hill where my Dad lived. we went past his house. it was a really twisty windy road! it made my feel a bit sick. first we were going to my mums friends house cos she was gonna drop us off at the airport. when we got there i went on my mums tablet and played BlockStarPlanet and Roblox. when it was time to go to the airport my mum gave her car keys to her friend to look after and then she took us to the airport and i got a cookie and hot chocolate. then a bit later i got a ice cream. then we got on the plane. the plane we went on was Jetstar it took half an hour to get to nelson. then Chris picked us up and we went to his house. then we went to the shop. we bought some food and drinks. we bought two bottles of L&P because they were on special. we also bought coke, Doritos crackers, some other crackers that my mum liked, muesli bars, crunchies crackers and other food. then we went home again and then i played on my mums tablet for a while and then had dinner. then i went to bed at bed time.

the next day we went to the brook sanctuary walk. when we went in there was a little house with a lizard, a spotty fish and a crayfish.then we went out of the house and did the walk. it was very quiet, but the birds were loud. then we saw natural water that was safe to drink so we go some in our water bottle. Chris kept making bird noises while my mum was taking videos of the stream and other stuff. we went across lots of bridges. i got a bit tired so my mum gave me a piggy back ride. when i wasn't tired anymore, i hoped off my mums back an started walking again. there were lots of pipes around and lots of clear water. when we were almost there, there was a deep part in the stream. we wanted to go and swim in it but we didn't bring togs and we weren't aloud to anyway. when we were almost at the end there was a little bit slippery pipe to walk on, and a bit of ground to walk on. i walked on the pipe and then there was a track again. there was some other people there too. there was a little staircase by the waterfall and we walked up it. it lead to rocks. we wanted to get right to the end so we did. there was rocks we had to jump on. it was fun like an obstacle course!! there was lots of puddles around. we finally go to a big rock to sit on and we took photos. we stayed there for a while and then started to head back. i couldn't jump on the rock i jumped on before and i thought i was stuck! but there was a bit of grass to walk on behind the big rock. when we got out of the rocky bit, we went a different way. then there was a warning sign about crossing the river. we crossed the river and our shoes got soaked. then we got back into the car and went home. we had some lunch and then we went to feed the neighbours goat. we were aloud to but we could only do it by putting the food in the wire fence. it was getting dark so we went back inside. then we had meat for dinner and then we watched youtube. then a bit later, we all went to bed.

Then on Saturday, the sun was bright and it was time to get up. i had some breakfast and then my mum called me down to the grass and said char there's a kitty down here! i said YEY!! and then came down the kitty was so adorable!! it sniffed me and i patted it. a bit later, another kitty came. that one sniffed me too and i patted it. they were super adorable, but i couldn't stay all day. soon we went to head off to Kaiteriteri. but before we got there, we went to a town but i forgot what it was called. we stayed for about an hour. first we went to a restaurant called Jellyfish. mum and Chris has been there before but i hadn't. i got an ice cream sundae and an apple juice. when we finished we had a look around. we found a museum so we looked in it. there was some games that were on the wall. we stayed there for a bit then went back to the car and drove to Kaiteriteri. i was on my phone playing a game until we got there. it was a twisty windy road too.  first there was the beach were everyone else was. there was a look out, of course we went to walk up to it! then we saw another beach with the sand was more gold and there was less people. we finally got there. it was kinda like a hill going down the track to get to Kaiteriteri beach. i was doing anime run down the track. luckily i didn't trip! we finally got down to the beach. i went into the water to have a little paddle and so did my mum. then we saw starfishes and split apple rock. we saw some caves so we went in. i went out and tried to get back in but one of the muscle shells was sticking out and i stepped on it. it hurt a lot. we stayed there for about an hour and a half and then left. then we drove around places.

On Sunday, the day me and mum were supposed to go home, we woke up early and the stayed around Chris's house for a bit. then i went to my friend Danni's house she has a cute black and white bunny. we played on her trampoline and then watched videos. we went back to Chris's house for a while. then it was time to leave we went to the airport. we got our stuff out of the car and went into the airport. there were lots of flights coming and going until the flight manger said they were having computer issues. my mum knew something was suspicious. i got bored so i played on my mums tablet. i wanted to play sims so i connected to the airport WiFi. then a bit later the flight was cancelled and we had to book the flight again. we got some flight tickets but mum didn't look at them. when me and mum got back to Chris's house mum saw the tickets and they said Tuesday 5th of November but she booked it for the Tuesday 29th of October at eleven o'clock then mum cancelled the flight and booked another flight for the BlueBridge ferry. she pressed the two o'clock in the afternoon. when she saw it, it said eight o'clock in the morning. mum didn't cancel it but she had to ring them to change it. it took about half an hour cos it kept saying thank you for waiting, we will answer when we have time to call. it was something like that :) when they finally answered, we asked to change the flight to eight o'clock in the afternoon. then a bit later we went for  walk around the gardens. there were lots of flowers, foods, and other pretty cool things. there was a bit track on the hill so we walked up it. it was very steep and hard to walk up. mum showed me a pretty purple flower and she took the petals off, and said inside of this flower there ills a tooth fairy toothbrush that the tooth fairy's clean your teeth with. i think it was about a two hour walk. Chris found a cool stick and i took it >:3 i started waving it around. it was a very rocky track. we saw some horses too. then we started to see the gardens again, and we knew we were almost at the end. soon after that, we were back on the footpath. it was about ten minutes until we got back to Chris's house and it was dark outside. i was soooo tired, i went to bed.

It was finally Monday, the time to go home. we got dresses and had breakfast, then packed our stuff. we hoped in the car and drove away. it was a very windy road too. we stopped for a bit to do a small walk but my mum didn't want to go on the bride so we went back to the car. it was about one and a half till we got to the ferry. i was looking out the window. it was mostly trees and ocean and more trees. a bit later it was all down hill. then we went to look at a boat place. we stayed there for a while then got back on the road. we were almost there, and we could see the boat. it was pretty big. mum and Chris found a drink stand. there was ice-creams and ice-blocks too. i got an ice-block, and it was in a container the shape of a cup. it was pink and white inside we went into the waiting area and put our bags on a scale. then the went onto the boat. the lady gave me a colouring in book, stickers, pencils, and a bag to put then in. they were all pirate things :D this time Chris stayed, because he didn't want to go all the way back home, then all the way back here, then all the way back home. i finished my ice cream then soon we got called to go on to bus, to the boat. we hugged Chris, then he went home. getting to the boat from the bus, didn't take long. soon we were climbing up the steps of the boat. we hoped into a seat and soon after that, the boat was moving. we went to the drink stand and got an apple juice, and water. for a while i was playing on my mums tablet. soon after that, we were in wellington!! my mums friend was there to pick us up so then we went to here house where our car was. we stayed there for a few hours, then went home. i went to sleep later on. the end :3

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