Monday 15 June 2020

Queens Birthday Weekend

On Queen’s Birthday Weekend, my best friend came over to my house for a sleepover. She came to my house in the afternoon. We were going to secretly stay up late like last time we had a sleepover, so we got some food and our device’s. My mum said we could stay up till ten o’clock. We slept on the couch. Me and Millie were thirsty so i had a Milo and Millie had some warm milk. We started to get board so we watched some Tik Toks. We saw one that said “i found the titanic” so i went on to google maps i saw the ship and it was in i tiny island in japan. i asked my mum if it was the titanic but she said no, its just another boat that sank, because the titanic was just of the coast of Newfoundland. We said ok and watched more videos. When it was eleven o’clock me Millie and my mum were still awake and then there was an earthquake. We ran to my mums room and I got my Chromebook out and went onto the Geonet. it was a moderate earthquake. Me and Millie went back to bed, and played BlockStarPlanet. Then about 12:30, we had a midnight feast. I grabbed cookies, chips, crackers and popcorn. We ate all the popcorn and chips. Millie grabbed some cookies and put them on the table. And we ate them all. And then i said we should’ve ate them with our drinks! After that i downloaded a slime game. We made lots of slime and then Millie had a little nap and i played on her tablet cos my phone was flat. Then Millie woke up and we watched Tik Toks together. Then we charged our device’s and went to sleep at about 1:30. And Millie woke up in the middle of the night and played the slime game on my phone she made lots of slimes. In the morning, we play on our device’s again and i went to say good morning to my mum but she wasn't feeling well so we made her some breakfast. I made her a muffin split, and Millie made her a salad. She said thank you and gave us a hug. Then we made ourself some breakfast we had coco pops. And we made mini forts and played roblox and the slime game. Then her mum called and had a surprise for us. We wondered what it was then played our game. When it was lunchtime i was sad because Millie had to go home. And her mum got here. She said the surprise was we were going camping!!! Me and Millie packed our stuff and got in the car on the way we played our slime game. I made lots of slimes we also made eachother slimes on eachothers device’s. I made lots of blue slimes. When we got there, we put our stuff in the cabin and setup our beds. I took my shoes off and rid around on Millie's scooter. Then we went to the camps park. There were two trampolines one was very big and one was small. Millie went on the small one and i went on the big one. The big one was round. We could see the river from the big trampoline. After a while Millie came onto the tramp i was on. We played a jumping game that we did on my trampoline at home. Then we went to get dinner we had fish and chips and an ice cream. I scootered back, and we went back on the tramp and met some nice girls there. We stayed outside playing until 9:00 at night. Millie's mum told us some stories and then we went to bed. In the morning we got ready to go home we went out to the tramps to meet the girls. But they were ignoring us. When we went home on the way, we got some breakfast. I had a blueberry muffin and water. We came back to my house and played with My Kittens. My kittens names are Layla, and Stormy. Layla, is a black kitten with brown lines on her back, and a bit of white on her chest. And Stormy, is a grey kitten, with a white upside down heart from his nose to his chest. Stormy also has some white on his paws. We both had a treat each for them. After a while Millie went home and i went to bed. The End!

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